Minority- and Women- Owned Enterprise Goals
The Buccini/Pollin Group is committed to anchoring this development project in the Hill District through hiring of local, diverse, and women owned firms. The goal for the project is to have at minimum 30% of work completed by Minority owned firms and 15% by Women owned firms. They have also committed to 20% or more Minority Labor Force, including local residents of the greater Hill District community, and new hires. Meet the Team E. Holdings, Inc is a minority owned, hill district business contracted by BPG to lead the minority and women owned inclusion efforts. As part of the diversity coordination and wealth building efforts, E. Holdings is responsible for:
Opportunities Bidding opportunities will be released periodically as new projects throughout the development site come online. By signing up with E. Holdings, Inc, you will be added to our diversity bidding list and will receive updates about all opportunities, trainings, and sessions. Learn more about all opportunities here. Don't forget to sign up ASAP so you can access the pre-bid meetings. How to connect with majority firms to form partnerships Looking to partner with a larger firm but don’t know how? Please contact E. Holdings, Inc. and let us know that you would like us to share your information with our contact list of firms. Please email E. Holdings, Inc. at [email protected] or fill out the contact form below. We will then call you to review your company details and add you to our diversity bidding list which will remain active for the life of the Lower Hill Redevelopment Project. (If you have not completed this call process then your sign-up is not yet complete. You must complete this call with us. If you have emailed us but have not yet completed the call, please reach out to set up a call time.) Fill out our sign up form here By signing up for this contact list you will receive updates about all opportunities, training sessions, access to our partnership program, and other assistance for MWBE firms. |
Upcoming EventsJune 27, 2023:
Information/Scope Review Session 1 10 am - 2pm First Source Center June 29, 2023: Information/Scope Review Session 2 10 am - 2pm First Source Center July 6, 2023: Information/Scope Review Session 3 10 am - 2pm First Source Center July 11, 2023: Information/Scope Review Session 4 10 am - 2pm First Source Center July 12, 2023: Trade Union Meeting 1 Time TBD July 13, 2023: Information/Scope Review Session 5 10 am - 2pm First Source Center July 19, 2023: Trade Union Meeting 2 Time TBD MISSED A MEETING? CHECK OUT OUR RECORDED SESSIONS |